The Healing Creed

Artist Credit: Anja Renkes

Dear Reader,

Know in what and in Whom you believe.

This prayer has helped me to stay focused on my most difficult days.  I often share it with friends who are struggling.  I hope you find strength in it as well.

In Christ,


I believe in God, the Divine Physician,

Healer of Mind, Body and Spirit,

and in Jesus Christ, our Lord,

Who exemplifies The Way.


Who gave Great Purpose to His own suffering,

and by His Cross, we are healed.

Who offers Everlasting Life to those who follow Him,

Who offers Truth to those with a sincere desire,

and Love, Forgiveness and Acceptance

to all who accept it freely.


I believe in the Holy Spirit,

Who comforts the afflicted,

counsels the broken,

and guides the lost.

Who knows what we need better than our own selves.

Who makes our paths passable, and our crosses bearable.


I believe in the Healing Power of the Sacraments,

By way of the Holy Catholic Church,

the Oneness of Creation,

and the perfection of the Spirit,

regardless of the conditions of the body.



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