H.E.A.L. Rx

The Prescription

Divine Union (the consciousness of our identity in and with Christ) is the foundation of all healing.  When we totally commit to this redemptive work within ourselves, conform our minds to the mind of Christ and act in accordance with whom and what we believe, we create the conditions for healing to take place.

I have created a “Healing Prescription” based on this Gospel message using the acronym: H.E.A.L. 

H-Healthy Habits (Of mind, body and spirit)

E-Expectancy (Hope)

A-Abiding Trust (Faith)

L-Love of God, Neighbor and Self (Love)

This prescription is based on the three theological virtues; Faith, Hope and Love and the habits that lead us to an alignment of purpose within our trinitarian being: mind, body, and spirit.  The prescription lays out Christian principals in a clear way that helps us to make practical application of the Gospel within our own lives.  Let’s dive a little deeper into each healing principal…

Healthy Habits

Mind:  harmonious focused thoughts create Oder out of chaos and increase probability

Body:  Participating in habits that point back to harmonious/Eucharistic living

Spirit:  Practicing for a purpose


The Holy Spirit’s actions are dependent on our cooperation.  The Holy Spirit must be loved, invited, and EXPECTED to act.  There is no such thing as false hope.  There is just HOPE.

Abiding Trust

In Faith, the human intellect and will cooperate with divine grace.  We must accept this invitation and respond accordingly.  The very act of taking one step forward on our healing journey is a testimony of faith. 


If God is Love, how can God heal where love is not?  We must address all three love relationships in our path to wholeness: God, neighbor (and self).  This is why Jesus gave this as the greatest commandment:

Matthew 22:36-40 (NABRE)

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”

And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment.  The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’  On these two commandments hang the whole Law and the Prophets.”

My Commitment

I am committed to documenting my healing journey and invite you to join me.  Together, we will study the prescription, develop a personalized rule of life, and practice applying these principles in our lives. 

Ultimately, I hope to offer as a healing presence to others who desire the same level of wholeness. Are you ready to join me?


The Healing Creed


Behold, My Sister in Christ